January Blog Outside Looking In

Posted by K Campbell on Sunday, January 27, 2013
Well, so much for a monthly blog.  Things have been crazy, just daily life really.  At times it seems like we are going, going, going.  Yet today, somehow, I was able to step back and watch events from a distance, and I liked it.  I realized there were so many things that were synchronistic in nature today that helped me make it through my day while keeping my sanity.  I started out by waking up, running around and getting my daughter to two basketball practices that started at 9:00. Luckily,the coach told me that I didn't have to come back in between her two practices, so she was set until 11:30. Then I had a reading at 9:05 in the parking lot by phone, went home and grabbed my son by 10:15, drove him to his basketball game, ran home again and washed the floors. I still had to grab them both by 11:30 and had to do a reading for a client at 12:00.  I was definitely a bit overwhelmed.  But an interesting thing happened while washing the kitchen floors.  I looked up and I could see my dad's crystal butterflies that he gave me glistening through the window shedding shadows around the room. As I stopped to look at them I was given even more information from spirit for my reading at noon.  Now from the inside, it makes me tired just thinking of it.  Yet looking at it from the outside, I could see that the reading at 9:00 directly related to the reading I was doing at 12:00.  It gave me a head start.  By the coach telling me to just pick her up at 11:30, it made me available to bring my son to his game early and wash my floors.  By washing the floors, I was able to get pertinent information about the father of the person I was doing the reading for at noon.   So even though it sounds like a crazy morning, as I looked at the events as a spectator, I saw how easily life can flow if you have faith that it will all work out and just go with it. Even little things like the coach telling me to just go, happened for a reason. 
     The reading I had in the morning was actually for myself.  As usual, in the reading I was told that my faith that all will be taken care of is weak. It is a struggle that I have been fighting for my whole life.  Luckily, the reader, a friend and teacher of mine, always reminds me of this.  She has more faith in me than I do.  lol  But I guess that's what I'm trying to get across to you in this blog.  I may have been overwhelmed thinking about just the first four hours of my day, never mind the rest that I didn't mention, but I had nothing to fear.  I was being taken care of little by little, hour by hour.  I had no reason to worry about getting everything done and giving a spot on reading. I was being taken care of and will continue to be.  It's all about faith.  If you take the time some day to watch the events of your day unfold, look at how synchronistic they are in nature, how one event or situation leads to and makes the next easier, you may be surprised. Experts always say to relax and just put one foot in front of the other. Easier said than done, but after a snapshot of looking from the outside in today, I remembered it's essential to have faith that you and all will be taken care of.  So when you may feel overwhelmed or insecure about a situation, a day, or life in general, remember that there will be  little things that seem insignificant, like washing my floor, but will help you get through the rest of your day more easily.  We are really all being taken care of, we just have to look from the outside looking in and trust. Just trust that all will be well. In the end, it will.


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