April Blog

April 17, 2013
After reading my last blog, I realized I was a bit too wordy and was just trying to explain how life events are synchronistic in nature and how one event can affect another for the better.  It all comes back to the law of attraction.  Too may times we totally forget to monitor our thoughts and feelings for the good.  It always seems like it's easier to believe the bad will happen, not the good.  Changing our thinking  is something that can seem overwhelming, but it is feasible with time and practice.  Wouldn't you like to say to yourself,"I want to go to the Carribean this winter," and know that with positive feelings and a belief that it will happen that it will?  I put up new vision boards in my room all the time.  A vision board is simply a tool to use the law of attraction to your benefit.  I put all of the goals and things that I want in a certain time frame.  My vision board now has pictures and words relating to my goals on health, finances, my kids, relationships, etc.  You can put anything on your vision board that you want to attain.  And the reason I have had many vision boards is because they keep coming true.  I do attain my goals within a reasonable time frame by looking at them every day and feeling like I already have it all.  It used to surprise me at first that I could actually take it down because I had attained all of my goals. I had some biggees there lol.  But now I just have a "knowing" that it will come true.  In this blog, I want to challenge anyone reading to pick at least one goal that they would like to attain soon.  Then pick a picture of it or write the words that describe it, and put it in a place that you will see it everytime you wake up and go to bed.  Truly believe and feel that you have it already. Then let the universe take over. Let me know how it goes.  I can guarantee you that you will see a difference in the way you start going about things, and I'd love to hear your stories!

January Blog Outside Looking In

January 27, 2013
Well, so much for a monthly blog.  Things have been crazy, just daily life really.  At times it seems like we are going, going, going.  Yet today, somehow, I was able to step back and watch events from a distance, and I liked it.  I realized there were so many things that were synchronistic in nature today that helped me make it through my day while keeping my sanity.  I started out by waking up, running around and getting my daughter to two basketball practices that started at 9:00. Luckily,...
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September Blog

September 9, 2012

As the summer unwinds and comes to a close, I’ve been reflecting. I have two children, a boy and a girl, and it was a busy summer to say the least. Being a teacher has its benefits, but it also makes you very busy during the summer with kids. I’d bring them and their friends to the local pond and other places at least three or four times a week. Thank god I'd often have one of my best friends Jen with me. Another good thing was the kid’s parents always reciprocated. There were sleep ove...

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November 6

March 17, 2012
I recently went to one of Kim's parties and had a reading. I was so happy when I left. I thought that it sounded authentic and it was. She was dead on and t provided me insight into the direction I am going! loved it  
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Oct 11, 2011

March 17, 2012
I had my first reading with Kim last Spring. She was so right on. She saw a new job with more income on the side and it happened. My grandmother also gave us a surprise visit which I really needed. I am definitely going to go back this Spring-Alison Graveson
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October 21, 2011

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